Ginny and Dan are both avid baseball fans, in particular minor league baseball. Add to this their love of travel, history and people. Put it all in a car and you have their favorite hobby–baseball travel. For the last 17 years, they have spent part of their summer vacations traveling the country and Canada visiting minor league baseball parks, while also enjoying the cultural heritage of North America.
Ginny Skinner-Linnenberg is a Professor in the English Department at Nazareth College of Rochester, New York, teaching writing of all ilk and drama literature. She holds a PhD in Rhetoric and Writing and in Literature from Bowling Green State University, an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Louisville and a BA in Psychology from Bowling Green State University. She has published one book, Dramatizing Writing, and has given numerous presentations on writing and writing theory, among other topics. She has also been a consultant on writing and the teaching of writing.
Dan Linnenberg is an Assistant Professor of Counseling and Counselor Education at the Warner School of Education of the University of Rochester, New York. His primary teaching areas are in Mental Health Counseling, Addictions Counseling, Spirituality in Counseling and Crisis/Disaster Mental Health. He is also a priest of the Episcopal Church serving as a supply priest for the Diocese of Rochester. He holds a Ed.D. in Counseling from the University of Rochester, a M.Div. from Nashotah House Theological Seminary, an M.A. in Education from Western Kentucky University and a B.A. in Anthropology from Bowling Green State University. He has published articles in the International Journal of Reality Therapy and the British Journal of Guidance and Counseling besides giving numerous presentations on adult moral education, professional writing, spirituality in counseling and disaster mental health counseling.
In May, 2012, Ginny and Dan had the privilege of presenting some of their work at the Symposium on Baseball and American Culture held at Cooperstown, NY.